
Sunday, 25 August 2013

My Little Sister's Wedding

My sister was sort of planning a wedding sort of not.... then they had a date.... then they didn't... and every time we thought that the date was set, something happened and it had to be moved. My husband and I had our flights booked to South Africa for a holiday and regardless of whether Danielle was getting married or not - we were going. While at the coast, I received a call from my mom saying that Johan, my sister's fiancĂ©, had decided enough with this changing the date every couple of weeks. Seeing as we're already in South Africa they should just get married "finish and klaar" (klaar is Afrikaans for finished) (rock-spiders use this term frequently) (rock-spider is a nickname for Afrikaans speaking people whose English "is not so good") (like me - I'm half rock-spider)

Aaaaaanyway, my mom breaks the news that my sister wants me to be the photographer at the wedding.  I can't stress enough that she should get someone qualified. I phone Danielle and explain this to her saying, you don't understand..... just because you like one of my photos does not make me talented enough to shoot your entire wedding. The responsibility is huge. Besides, I had left a lot of equipment at home that I would need because I didn't expect to be photographing a WEDDING! Including my charger because who needs more than four fully charged batteries for a 2 week holiday?

No. There is no convincing her. She has made up her mind and she knows what she wants. (Apparently)

The wedding was definitely the best wedding I have ever been to! I don't know how she managed to pull it off in 11 days - kudos to her! (Imagine finding and fitting your dress for the first time the day before the wedding) The day itself was beyond adventurous with getting lost for an hour trying to find the makeup artist's house, arriving late to the ceremony, rings breaking at the altar, my drunk brother unknowingly saying motha-fucka into the mic in front of our VERY CONSERVATIVE family. It will all need a separate blog - or a book even.

Here is a sample of my favourites shots:


Table decorations


The Bride

My brothers and my husband (on the left)
Zane - the second shooter